Ninja Kids!
Bujinkan for kids!
We offer a special training program for children, using the ancient techniques of the ninja and the samurai. Have your children learn to be safe from the worries of life; whether it be a slip on the ice, or a bully on the playground. We teach techniques to help your child protect him or herself in all aspects of life. Kids these days face a lot of challenges. Give them the tools to stay safe and build a strong heart, body, and mind.
Benefits of Training Include:
体の柔軟性を身につけます (Improving and maintaining flexibility)
バランス感覚を養います (Better coordination and balance
メンタルが強くなります (Improving physical power
危険察知能力を高めます (Environmental awareness and danger evasion)
自制心を養います (Mental focus and self-discipline)
自分を守る力をつけます (Improved self-defense in all situations)
Students Practice:
フレキシブルなエクササイズ (Flexibility exercises)
マットを使った運動 (Falling and rolling practice)
フットワークと体の使い方 (Footwork and body motion drills)
攻撃から逃れるエクササイズ (Attack evasion exercises)
攻撃からのブロック (Unarmed striking and counters)
六尺棒を使ったエクササイズ (Staff weapons)
複数人で攻撃の場合の護身術 (Live multiple attacker combat drills)
大人に対して護身術の方法 (1-on-1 combat training vs. an adult)
英語の勉強と文化 (Japanese terminology and culture)
Ages 10+
*note: exceptions are up to the instructor/management.
Your child will receive training in a structured curriculum, with regular opportunities for rank advancement based on skill level. Watch your child's confidence grow as they advance through the ranks! All rank certificates are issued in Japanese by Soke Hatsumi directly from the head dojo in Japan.
Kids Class
Sunday 11am - 11:50
Location: ESTUDIO TRES GRACIAS 末松三和フラメンコ教室*location may change